Return of the Children of the Sun: Initiations and Solar Practice

Return of the Children of the Sun: Initiations and Solar Practice
Jorge Luis Delgado’s passion is to share the Solar practices of the Medicine tradition of the Aymara, his own ancestral lineage, from the high plateau of Peru near Lake Titicaca, to help humanity to awaken to the Divine Love within, enriching our experience of our world.
As we approach the summer solstice, it’s a perfect time to explore the solar initiations that nourish and strengthen our relationship to our soul, solar practices that release blockages and heavy energies, and initiations that re-programme, activate and illuminate our 13 luminous energy centres. Together we will explore and deepen our connection to the Galactic Sun and the infinite and eternal light that illumines our souls and expands our consciousness, awakening us to the fact that it is time to live fully in love, peace and oneness.