The Power of Active Dreaming with Robert Moss

The Power of Active Dreaming with Robert Moss
Join us for a fun, high-octane introduction to the core practices of Active Dreaming, Robert Moss’ original synthesis of shamanism and dreamwork.
Module One
Become a Shaman of the Breakfast Table First, Active Dreaming is a way of talking and walking our dreams, of bringing energy and guidance from the dreamworld into everyday life
We learn how to create a safe space where we can share dreams of the night and dreams of life with others, receive helpful feedback, and encourage each other to move towards creative and healing action. We discover that each of us can play guide for others, and that by sharing in the right way we claim our voice, grow our power as storytellers and communicators, build stronger friendships and lay foundations for a new kind of community. Above all, we learn to take action to embody the energy and guidance of our dreams in everyday life.
Module Two
Follow the Royal Road to Lucid Dreaming Second, Active Dreaming is a method of shamanic lucid dreaming
It starts with simple everyday practice and extends to profound group experiences of time travel, soul recovery and the exploration of multidimensional reality. It is founded on the understanding that we don’t need to go to sleep in order to dream. The easiest way to become a conscious or lucid dreamer is to start out lucid and stay that way. As a method of conscious dream navigation, Active Dreaming is not to be confused with approaches that purport to “control” or manipulate dreams; it is utterly misguided to seek to put the control freak in the ego in charge of something immeasurably wiser and deeper than itself.
Module Three
Become a Kairomancer Third, Active Dreaming is a way of conscious living
This requires us to reclaim our inner child, and the child’s gift of spontaneity, play and imagination. It requires us to claim the power of naming and define our life project. It invites us to discover and follow the natural path of our energies. It calls us to remember and tell and live our bigger story in such a way that it can be heard and received by others. It is about grasping that the energy we carry and the attitudes we choose have magnetic effect on the world around us, drawing or repelling encounters and circumstances. It is about navigating by synchronicity and receiving the chance events and symbolic pop-ups on our daily roads as clues to a deeper order. As you do this, you become a kairomancer, poised to recognize and act on those special Kairos moments of opportunity when time works differently and the universe becomes personal.
Completion of this course will fulfill a prerequisite for Robert's Dream Teacher Training; the next cycle starts in February 2024
Session times:
Tuesday 9th January, 6pm - 7.30pm
Tuesday 16th January, 6pm - 7.30pm
Tuesday 23rd January, 6pm - 7.30pm