A Path Through Trauma

A Path Through Trauma

Saturday, March 14, 2020 - 10:00 to 16:30
Personal Growth
Alternatives says: 
Explore how trauma happens and how to find a path through it

In this workshop we will explore how trauma happens, through three different lenses: shame, abuse and traumatic experiences.

We can be continuously shamed through various different types of abuse, and Carolyn works with 8 distinct forms, and we can also be traumatised in three distinct ways: generation and ancestral trauma, gestational trauma and the experienced trauma which may or not have their roots in the 8 types of abuse.

We will consider the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD), anxiety and shame. The differences between the two diagnoses is that PTSD comes from a repeating life experience of say physical abuse, but can also come from, for example, being in a terrorist attack, an earthquake or a traumatic birth experience. CPTSD generally included an early experience of child sex abuse and can lead to longer-term issues and vulnerability to other forms of abuse and trauma.

Carolyn's aim for the day is to help you understand how your experiences have impacted your relationship to and with reality, as you experience it. You will learn a range of tools and concepts to better move through your traumatic reactions in your current reality.

We will lore the physical, emotional and applied brain science of trauma and it is Carolyn's intention that you soften in your relationship to yourself.

About the speaker, Carolyn Cowan

Carolyn Cowan is a Psychosexual Therapist specialising in couples, pre & post natal, addiction, and trauma recovery. She is a Kundalini Yoga teacher and Teacher Trainer and run workshops in various subjects in the UK and abroad.

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