The Invincible Living Experience - A Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Immersion with Guru Jagat

The Invincible Living Experience - A Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Immersion with Guru Jagat

Saturday, June 3, 2017 - 10:00 to Sunday, June 4, 2017 - 18:00
Alternatives says: 
We are honoured to welcome Guru Jagat and Special Guest Harijiwan to Alternatives for the first time.

Invincible Living describes a way of relating to your life with energy, courage, and clarity.  In that nucleus of depth and simplicity, the trials and tribulations of life aren’t going away, but your relationship to them becomes as rhythmic as each deep breath. 

Learn simple end effective tools to be efficient, compassionate, creative and intuitive.  In an increasingly pressured environment on the planet, everyone needs effective ways to feel better, calmer, and able to touch the root of our own personal values and uniqueness at any moment’s notice. This type of living has its own momentum, and an innate intelligence that selfadjusts to any environment.  It is aerodynamic.

 Join Guru Jagat and Special Guest Harijiwan for an Invincible Living Crash Course and take home a fast and efficient complete daily practice for to reprogram, recalibrate, and initiate massive lifelong changes in 1 hour or less.  No yoga experience, flexibility or athletic performance.

You can purchase a full weekend pass or just an individual session.  Session times below:

Session 1:  Saturday 3rd June 10am - 1pm

Session 2: Saturday 3rd June 3pm - 6pm 

Session 3: Sunday 4th June 10am - 1pm 

Session 4: Saturday 4th June 3pm - 6pm 

£40 per session 


About the speaker, Guru Jagat

Revolutionary, leader, teacher, and entrepreneur, Guru Jagat is one of the faces of true wellness and spirituality in the modern age. 

She has devoted her whole adult life to the spreading of the teachings of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, bringing a fresh perspective to this ancient practice. 

Guru Jagat studied under Yogi Bhajan, the Kundalini Master responsible for bringing the practice to the US.   Her profound classes, teaching Kundalini as a technology and tool that can be used to achieve and sustain long-lasting happiness, have earned her devout fans from around the world.

Guru Jagat is founder and CEO of RA MA Institute for Applied Yogic Science and Technology—a leading yoga school in Venice, California and Mallorca, Spain—offering classes, retreats, workshops and trainings.  She is the Founder and CEO of  RA MA TV —a virtual media platform that makes Kundalini yoga and yogic lifestyle accessible worldwide, as well as indie yoga music label RA MA Records with a mission to trail-blaze a new genre of music with mass appeal both in and out of the yoga space. 

Her non-profit work has culminated in the the founding of the RA MA Foundation whose mission is to introduce this fastest growing modality of Yoga, Meditation, and Wellness to underserved populations throughout the United States and abroad. She has been a featured speaker at  Emerging Womens Conference, Wanderlust Festival, Kripalu Center and the Omega Institute.   Recently profiled in Town & CountryHarper's Bazaar,  People Magazine, and Entertainment Tonight  as the Go-To Leader for a whole generation of seekers, Guru Jagat’s passions is writing—particularly poetry, but she is currently penning her follow up book the best-selling Invincible Living     

Workshop commences
Workshop ends