Introduction to Mystical Qabalah

Introduction to Mystical Qabalah

Saturday, April 8, 2017 - 10:30 to 17:00

There are many different ways to understand the spiritual pathways that unfold for you and no doubt you’ve experienced a few, but what if you knew there was one system that could help take your study deeper and whilst it’s the same method for everyone no two roads are the same?

The Tree of Life can be both beautifully simple and consciously complicated! What David sets out to do on this one-day workshop is the former, to help you enjoy the beauty of the Tree of Life to feel its true magic in the very being of your soul and re-awaken the knowledge that’s already present within you and to do it a gentle and fully inclusive way.

You will travel from the root of the Tree to its upper branches, understanding its language and visit each of the spheres in turn as they reveal the structure of the universe in you and around you.

The goal isn’t just to understand Qabalah, it’s to understand yourself and the worlds you live in through Qabalah. David says: "If you are interested in angelic realms, the idea of elements, lost and hidden truths, alchemy, tarot, cosmic ordering, astrology, past lives, meditation, Mediumship, geomancy, numerology and discovering your own destiny, how to get it and much more, then the Qabalah is for you."

The teachings used on the journey are brought to life by the beings you meet along the way, they describe great discs of energy, Archangels, pathways, elemental folk and the manifestation of every thought and feeling you have that in turn creates the world you live in.

You will learn:

  • The importance of the elements
  • The structures within the symbol of the Tree of Life
  • The meaning of the spheres, The Sephiroth
  • The virtues, archangels and symbols on the Tree
  • How to align and work closer with the personality, soul and spiritual side of your being
  • Where personal blockages occur, how to learn from them and move beyond
  • Deep meditations that enable stronger communication with your guides and angelic helpers
  • How to use the Tree as a model for manifesting your highest goals
  • A simple and safe ritual to raise the vibration of your space whilst you work or for meditation.

David says this of his beloved Qabalah

“What I love about Qabalah is how it works regardless of someone’s spiritual understanding or background and their already existing belief system, it doesn’t seek to change any of that. It’s not dogmatic in any way, it puts you at the centre of your learning and recognises you’re the biggest expert on you and the more you take that on the more it engages and offers you experiences that help you grow. It comes into your life, physically stands in front of you and shows up not to prove the universe is listening but to ask where you want to go next?”

About the speaker,
Doors open
Workshop commences
Workshop ends