INSIGHT OUT - A Documentary Exploring the Transformative Effects of Out of Body Experience

INSIGHT OUT - A Documentary Exploring the Transformative Effects of Out of Body Experience

Sunday, July 28, 2019 - 13:00 to 15:30
Alternatives says: 
Jade draws on personal experience, academic research and spiritual traditions offering a balanced view of the extraordinary phenomena of OBE's



In 2014 Jade Shaw had a spontaneous Out of Body Experience (OBE) that changed her life. Soon after she left her company and a 12 year career in the arts to study this phenomena.  During this journey she discovered others with similar stories whose experiences had shaped their lives in profound ways.


Insight Out is a documentary that reveals these stories, disrupts preconceived ideas about OBEs and asks provocative questions about the nature of consciousness and reality. 

Renowned experts explore the edge of consciousness and the mystery of Out of Body Experiences.  

Experts featured include - Dr Eben Alexander, Dr Tom Campbell, Dr Penny Sartori, Dr Steven Taylor, Dr David Luke, Dr Peter Fenwick, Dr Susan Blackmore, Anthony Peake, Tim Freke, William Buhlman, Sergio Magana, Graham Nicholls, Rodrigo Montenegro and Charlie Morley. 


Ask questions to experts from the film in the Q&A discussion chaired by Charlie Morley. 

The panel includes authors: - Sergio Magana, Dr Penny Sartori, Luigi Sciambarella - UK lead for Monroe Institute, Anthony Peake- Tim Freke- Graham Nicholl’s Oliver Robinson of The Science and Medical Network closes the event with a short talk about the future science & spirituality.  

About the speaker, Jade Shaw

Jade is an Out of Body Experience (OBE) teacher that advocates non-ordinary states of consciousness for personal and collective change. Following a life-changing OBE, she left behind a successful career in the arts to study the phenomena as part of an Msc in Transpersonal Psychology. She went on to consult for the NO1 Netflix series Behind Her Eyes and produced Insight Out, a film featured on Amazon Prime and Gaia TV. Her unique mindfulness-based approach to OBEs for well-being has attracted the attention of the UK national press and prompted invites to lead events in Europe, South America and the US. In the 1980s the CIA trained OBEs as part of the Stargate Programme at The Monroe Institute in Virgina, USA. Jade has completed the same course. As part of her ongoing self-transformational journey, Jade has lived in a Tibetan Buddhist Temple for five years, undertaken a pilgrimage around India and attended Shamanic retreats.

Doors open
Film screening
Panel discussion