How To Prevent, Treat & Reverse Type 2 Diabetes And Prediabetes Naturally

How To Prevent, Treat & Reverse Type 2 Diabetes And Prediabetes Naturally
If you’re at risk or have already been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, this may be the most important talk you EVER attend.
Don’t miss this opportunity to join Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, as she shows you what foods spike your blood sugar, how to balance your blood sugar, and exactly what you should be eating to prevent type 2 diabetes or put your condition into remission.
Type 2 diabetes has become a worldwide epidemic - and the UK has the fastest growing rate of diabetes in the developing world.
Every two minutes someone will learn that they have the condition – yet it’s thought that nearly another million more people already have type 2 diabetes but are not being diagnosed.
And diabetes is a silent killer, slowly causing irreparable damage to your kidneys, your eyes, your nerves, your limbs, and your blood circulation, leaving you at major risk of strokes, kidney failure, blindness, heart disease, and lower limb amputation.
Type 2 diabetes is also a major risk factor for many preventable cancers and Alzheimer’s.
The good news is, you are in control and can do something about it!
Type 2 diabetes is widely recognised as a “lifestyle condition,” meaning that with the correct nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices, you can completely reverse the condition, and avoid the life-damaging consequences.
The trouble is there is so much conflicting information out there, it’s impossible for someone diagnosed to truly understand what they need to do.
In this new ground-breaking talk, Dr. Marilyn Glenville PhD gives you practical day to day tips and explains in simple, clear language exactly how diabetes is affecting your body, and how the foods you eat can have a positive or negative impact on your system.
You won’t hear any “quick fixes” or be asked to make unsustainable changes. This is about enjoying your food, while seeing your glucose levels balance out to healthy levels.
This talk is for you, if you are worried about type 2 diabetes – and especially for the 1 in 3 who have prediabetes and want to prevent it from progressing.
If you have already been diagnosed with full blown type 2 diabetes, Marilyn’s expert advice can help you reverse your disease and give you back the years of your life diabetes threatens to take away.
But, even if diabetes is in your family, it does not have to be your fate!
In this talk You Will Discover:
The real underlying causes of type 2 diabetes – there are more than a few and they’re not what you’d expect
How to understand your risk factors and how to measure your chances of being diagnosed with diabetes
What to eat and what to avoid to bring your blood sugar down to a healthy range
How the timing of your food helps to control your blood sugar
Why your gut bacteria plays such a big role in diabetes management, and how you can prime your gut to reverse the condition
How you can use nutrition alongside medication to be able to reduce or eventually stop taking the drugs
The important medical and nutritional tests you need to have – a number of these are never offered or suggested to patients
The vital role of sleep in type 2 diabetes management, and why your current sleep pattern could be putting your life at risk
The surprising supplements which help you balance your blood sugar and put your diabetes into remission
And much, much more
If you’re currently type 2 diabetic, the sooner you take control of your symptoms, the better chance you have of protecting yourself against the potentially life-changing long-term damage type 2 diabetes can have on your health.
Join Dr Marilyn Glenville for this live talk for practical day-to-day tips to help you get control of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes and regain the quality of your life.
There will be plenty of time for questions during the event.